
来源:伟德国际1949官方网站日期:2018-11-01 08:15  点击数:


时间:2018116  14:30


History Education for Nation Building: The Case of Singapore

History education has often been associated with the inculcation of citizenship values, especially in the forging of national identity. In instilling a sense of pride in the common past, the teaching of a nation’s history contributes to the creation and strengthening of nationalism and national identity. This article examines the politics and policies concerning the formulation, implementation and changes regarding the teaching of Singapore’s history between 1984 and 2001, focusing on the lower secondary history curriculum. The Singapore state initially regarded the teaching of the recent national past to be divisive, which resulted in a near neglect and de-emphasis of Singapore’s past in the first decade or so following its independence. However, the state did an about face and started to emphasize history education in the 1980s. This intensified towards the end of the 1990s with the introduction of the ‘National Education’ program in schools. With that, the role of history in nation building and citizenship education in Singapore found its fullest expression. Thus, the Singapore case is unique compared to the newly independent states after World War II in that history education was used for nation building much later – two decades after its independence.


谢耀东博士,悉尼大学教育与社会工作学院高级讲师,博士生导师。谢耀东博士先后在新加坡国立大学、新加坡国立教育学院、西澳大利亚大学、多伦多大学获得本科、硕士和博士学位。主要研究领域为课程史、社会科、国际与比较教育。近年来学术领域集中在新加坡与澳大利亚历史与公民教育、加拿大历史经验背景下的旅加华人历史、20世纪中国教科书等研究。谢耀东博士以国际比较教育专家安迪格林 (Andy Green) 的发展性国家理论阐释新加坡公民教育的发展历程,探讨公民教育在新加坡国家发展中的作用。围绕相关议题发表多篇研究论文,并出版专著 Education, Culture and the Singapore Developmental State: “World-Soul” Lost and Regained? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

Dr Yeow-Tong Chia is Senior Lecturer in History Curriculum Education at the Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney. Born in Singapore, he was educated at the National University of Singapore, National Institute of Education (Singapore), The University of Western Australia and the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, University of Toronto. His research interests include history and citizenship education in Singapore and Australia, the teaching of Chinese history in Ontario’s high schools, Chinese Canadian history in Canadian history education and education and developmental state formation Dr Chia’s significant contribution to scholarship of Asian Studies and Comparative Education lies in his insightful analysis of the role of education in the formation of the Singapore developmental state from 1955 to present. The result of his research is succinctly encapsulated in his first book Education, Culture and the Singapore Developmental State – World-Soul Lost and Regained? (Palgrave Macmillian), which was published in 2015.  

报告地点 X4320 报告人 谢耀东