
来源:伟德国际1949官方网站wt_zyn日期:2011-11-18 00:00  点击数:

         我们了解到在古代有着天府之称的成都平原是一个水旱灾害十分严重的地方。岷江水患长期祸及西川,成为古蜀国生存发展的一大障碍。在秦昭襄王五十一年(公元前256年),秦国蜀郡太守李冰和他的儿子,吸取前人的治水经验,率领当地人民,主持修建了这个举世闻名的都江堰水利工程。它的修建使得成都平原沃野千里,日渐富饶,适应了当时社会经济发展的需要,同时也为秦始皇统一中国提供了重要的物质保证。《史记》记载:都江堰的建成,使成都平原‘水旱从人,不知饥馑,时无荒年,天下谓之“天府”也’。四川盆地在古时称为益州,三国时期,诸葛亮在《隆中对》就对刘备称“益州险塞,沃野千里,天府之土,高祖因之以成帝业。”蜀汉建兴六年(公元228年),诸葛亮北征,以都江堰为农业之根本、国家经济发展的重要支柱,征集兵丁加以守护,并设专职的堰官进行经常的管理维护,开创了以后历代设专职水利官员管理都江堰得先河。在西晋后期,永兴三年(306年),李雄在成都称帝,国号“大成”。 唐天佑四年(907年),唐朝覆灭后,王建、孟知祥也先后在四川地区建立起前蜀、后蜀政权,分别历时18年、31年。前蜀、后蜀前期都采取休养生息政策,由于没被卷入中原争斗,四川也一度成为全国最为繁荣的地区。

         In October 28th, Chinese students and Czechic exchange students with our professor Zeng visited the large-scale water conservancy project —Dujiangyan which located on the Minjiang River in the west of the Chengdu Plain and Dujiangyan City.
         We got the information of the dam from the explanations of our professor Zeng during the trip. Minjiang River flooded the Chengdu agricultural area and the local farmers suffered a lot from the water disaster for a long time in ancient. It also became a big obstacle for the survival and development of the people in the ancient Shu State. In BC 256, Li Bing, as the local governor of the Shu Commandery in Qin dynasty, designed the famous water control and irrigation dam learning from the previous experience of the former governors and organized thousands of local people to complete the famous project to check the Minjiang River with his son. Due to the success of the project, Dujiangyan automatically diverts the Minjiang River and channels it into irrigation canals. During that period, the Chengdu Plain became a wealthy and peace land which adapted to the development of society and economy and provided many material guarantees for the Qin Shi Huang to unify China. The Records of the Grand Historian recorded that the establishment of the Dujiangyan took a peace and friendly environment to the Chengdu Plaint that was called “the land of abundance” by the people at that time. During the period of Three Kingdoms, the Chengdu Plaint named Yizhou and Zhu Geliang, the renowned statesman of Shu, said to Liubei that the Yizhou was a hilly and occlusive place where the first emperor of the Han dynasty founded his country. In AD 228, Zhu Geliang commanded the army the Northern Expedition and made the Dujiangyan as the fundament of agriculture and economy of the country. He also sent armies to protect the dam and set the occupational officers to manage the dam which was the first time to administer the dam by officers. In AD 306, Lixiong built his country which called Dacheng in Chengdu Plaint at the later period of Xijin. In AD 907, Wangjian and Meng Zhixiang also built the former Shu(18 years) and later Shu(31 years) countries one by one after the fall of Tang Dynasty. Both of the two countries took the policy to rehabilitate the economy. At that time, Sichuan became the most prosperous region in the country due to not been involved into the Central Plains Battle.
         For over 2260 years, the dam has continued to make the most of the water conservancy works. All of us felt amazing to the wonderful technology of the ancient China and the magnificent of the nature. How time flies! After the whole day’s visiting, we have to set our feet on the way to school. During this journey, we were enchanted with the profound Chinese culture and the magnificent natural landscapes. The friendships among us also became more closely through communicating with teachers and students.